Surgery is the absolute last resort - for me it's an absolute no. I've been here there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there's always hope. Without hope there's nothing. We do 2 call outs per month based anywhere in Ireland, UK or Europe travel expenses apply. This is all about total ligament decompression using our patented decompression system. This will be posted within within 7 days from your start date. We use multiple ways to get your ligaments to start functioning together- pulling and pushing to create space in the joints. In the first 7 days you'll be given a 7 day plan from true core to ligament work to mobility. This has to be given first before we start the next deep stage of decompression - this is the way we get the best results that last. We can't help everybody and we thrive to have a very high success rate.
Our own patented system will be posted out to you within 7 days, the system is rented(included in price) and posted back when your plan finishes. In the meantime you'll be given a true core program to get you ready for deep decompression of your spine.
2 call outs per month based anywhere in Ireland, UK or Europe travel expenses apply.
Multiple weekly video calls to discuss progress and acupuncture points to use with our system.
Personalised decompression plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform.
Personalised meal plans & recipes to build more gut microbiome and stem cells in the body, start with 80% dark chocolate. The studies have shown this gives you twice as many stem cells in your body within 24 hours.
Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.
Regular messages with us through the app.
Bespoke system developed just for you based of your body movements and questionnaire.
This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everybody and we thrive to have very high success results.
One Time Payment
One Time Payment