
AI Movement Tracking & Training Program

Movement is in everything that you do - Sleeping, sitting, standing, breathing, eating, drinking same thing, our body is always moving. So listen to it - learn. Learn how to get your body to it's pinnacle. We'll give you 7 scans that covers all your movements from your jumping height to your sprinting speed flight time, acceleration time in a 10 meter sprint, to your turning speed & de acceleration time in 5 meter runs, turning speed left and right, single leg jump power on both sides to test your explosive single leg power, to landing angles of your hip, knee and ankle. There's way to many to name- in these 7 tests there's over a 1000 tests running in the background. Trust us when we say we try too cover all angles.

Plan Includes

  • 4: CMJ, tests push off of time, flight time, loading, landing angles and jump height.

  • ACMJ(L): The unilateral counter movement jump (UCMJ) is a vertical jump test primarily used to measure single leg explosive power of an athlete. This test is executed on the left leg.

  • ACMJ(R): Push off eccentric & concentric times, time to take off, flight time, push off times, knee & hip, landing ankles and jump height. The unilateral counter movement jump (UCMJ) is a vertical jump test primarily used to measure single leg explosive power of an athlete. This test is executed on the right leg.

  • 2: 505 (L) 5 meter agility left turn, tests the athletes ability to 180 degree turn at speed, tests deceleration time, change of direction time and acceleration time

  • 3: 505 (R) 5 metre agility right turn, same as above on right side. Most people favor a turning side - this way we'll show you and help you equal the difference.

  • 1: The 10 meter sprint is used to test the athletes ability to accelerate, running speed 5 m, flying running time 5 m, running time 10 meters, average running speed 10 m.

  • Parameter test - left side for ankle dorsiflexion / plantar flexion.

  • Parameter test - right side for ankle dorsiflexion / plantar flexion

How it works

  • This tests all your movements from sprints to turning speed to deaccelration. Put your phone in record and copy the sample videos and put them in the app or send through on an email. We put them through our algorithm and give you back a report about all the tests we've performed on your movement. After this - you can take a plan and we take it from there.
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