
Fall In Love With Ligament Performance

Meet the stronger, faster and more confident version of you.

Fall In Love With Ligament Performance

Meet the stronger, faster and more confident version of you.

Making Your Online Training Truly Exhilarating

Unlock the secrets to overcoming pain or enhancing your athletic abilities with Ligament Performance cutting-edge systems. Ligament Performance provides the guidance and support you need to succeed. Being exhilarated for a sports person comes from been 15/20% ahead of where you were 3 weeks ago, being exhilarated for a person in chronic pain is to get out of pain and start living life again. I know myself pain especially chronic pain isn't a way of life. You're unique and so should your journey be. We spent over 16 years developing movement patterns for people in pain and athletes for performance with the frame of mind of always trying to get a result. Most similarities are in degeneration, whether it's spinal, knees, hips, ankles, hands or feet. In our eyes most forms of degeneration issues are ligament issues because the ligaments haven't done one of their main jobs and kept the joints apart. Ligaments aren't just to keep the joints stable, there also meant to push/pull them apart, otherwise all joints would be compressing each another. This is what "Ligament Performance" was developed for. Athletes ready to find your limit? Are you ready to up your game - use our bespoke Ligament Performance system! Bulging or disc Degeneration ready to get your life back? AI tracking and Ligament Performance training is for athletes & people that want to zoom by where they were 3 weeks ago! Spinal Unwinding is for widespread pain that nobody knows what's going on! Strengthening and stretching help - yes of course everything helps, this is totally different we’re training mainly in decompression and ligament sequence in movement according to your sport or pain. This is a game changer in movement. Ready to change?

Your Personal Performance is now in your pocket!

Personalised Schedule

Transform your Ligament Performance journey with an exclusive training program designed specifically for you. Your personalized schedule will include AI performance tracking, Ligament Performance training, fuel meal plans. Regular video calls with us on our app.

Dynamic Training Routines

Enjoy a variety of exercises - all suited to your style. Whether you want to sculpt your body or lose fat, workout at home or gym, with or without equipment, beginner or advanced level - there's something for everyone.

Progress Tracking

Track your fitness journey like a pro. Get closer to your fitness goals with easy performance tracking via weekly photos and intelligent analytics. Connect your favorite wearable device to my app, and never lose track of your progress.

Flexible Nutrition Plans

A healthy body starts on the inside. Get a meal plan with multiple options to easily follow it and get the results you are looking for. Do it without missing out on your favorite food with the power of quantified nutrition.

Instant Messaging & Video Calls

Stay connected with me in real-time with messages and video calls. With photo, audio, video and document sharing supported right in the app, connect with me for just about anything.

Success Stories

Transformation before after
Pain Free
Transformation before after
Multiple Bulging Discs
Transformation before after
Chronic pain 7/8 Years
Transformation before after
Chronic Pain To Pain Free

Our Plans

Back & Neck Weakness

Back & Neck Weakness

Developed for people with spinal weakness - the whole spine is linked if you want a result that lasts train all of it. There's always abnormalities in movement, how you move is key in weakness. We work on true diaphragm core and muscular activation in movement with weakness. This will strengthen what you have, our system works off the principle of making the weak small muscles stronger and the rest will naturally follow. Get your foundation strong first.

This is the starting program for spinal weakness

5 / 7 Days a week training plus rehab - depending on you.

24 / 7 access to your strengthening program.

2 video calls a month to discuss your progress.

Healthy eating meal plan, recipes for gut microbiome and stem cell regeneration.

Personalised plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform.

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.

Regular messages with us through the app.

Get Strong - Get Healthy - Lose Weight Naturally

Get Strong - Get Healthy - Lose Weight Naturally

A home or gym based program to help you get strong, eat healthily, whilst gaining muscle tone and strength, improving fitness levels and when you do this you WILL naturally lose weight. Get results.

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

3 to 6 days training & rehab a week depending on your goal

Healthy meal plans, recipes for healthy gut microbiome and stem cell regeneration

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

Regular messages with us through the app

Bulging Disc Back & Neck Pain

Bulging Disc Back & Neck Pain

Do this before having surgery, surgery is the absolute last resort. I've personally been here this works. Developed for people with bulging discs and pain. More in depth, bespoke if you will than level 1 - we do a video call a week and alter the plan from there to fix the compression in your spine thats causing the bulging disc. The whole spine is linked if you want a result that lasts train all of it. Most of our exercises are decompression strengthening based - this is based on separating the spinous process to get the disc to suck back into place. There's always abnormalities in movement when weakness is involved. We work on true diaphragm core and muscular activation in movement. This will strengthen what you have our system works off the principle of making the weak small muscles stronger and the rest will naturally follow. Get your foundation strong first.

5 / 7 Days a week training and rehab - depending on you.

Healthy eating meal plan, recipes for gut microbiome and stem cell regeneration.

Weekly video calls to discuss your progress.

Bespoke system developed just for you based of your body and questionnaire.

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.

Personalised plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform.

Regular messages with us through the app.

This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everybody and we thrive to have a very high success rate.

Multiple Bulging Discs & Degeneration

Multiple Bulging Discs & Degeneration

Surgery / spinal fusion is an absolute no for disc degeneration - I've been here and there is light at the end of the tunnel. There's always hope. This was developed for people in pain from multiple bulging discs and degeneration. Our own unique patented system is rented (cost included) and send it back when your plan ends. In the meantime you'll be given a true core program to get you ready for the deep decompression of your spine. We mostly train in decompression mode to separate the spinous process of the vertebral column in your back and neck. We treat the full body from spine, head, neck, feet, ligaments, muscles, fascia nerves and everything in between. It's important to emphasize diet in order to both treat and discourage additional spinal disc degeneration. A bespoke system from food(rebuild stem cells naturally with food) to movement videos to see what's going on with your body to see why you're getting aggravated and why. Degenerative disc disease can be characterized by a progressive decrease in spinal disc height and is often a gradual consequence of aging accompanied by daily vertebral stress and microtrauma. Disc degeneration is most common in the neck (cervical spine) and lower back (lumbar spine). These areas of the spine move as a unit and undergo the most motion and stress. In most cases, degenerative disc disease also causes weakness, numbness, and hot, shooting pains in the arms or legs. This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everyone and we thrive to have a very high success rate.

Our own patented system will be posted out to you within 7 days, the system is rented(included in price) and posted back when your plan finishes. In the meantime you'll be given a true core program to get you ready for deep decompression of your spine.

Personalised meal plan & recipes to build more gut microbiome and stem cells in the body, start with 80% dark chocolate. The studies have shown this gives you twice as many stem cells in your body within 24 hours.

2 video calls a week to discuss your progress and Acupuncture points for use with our system.

Bespoke system developed just for you based of your body and questionnaire.

5 / 7 Days a week training and rehab - depending on you.

24 / 7 access to your strengthening program.

Personalised plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform.

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.

Regular messages with us through the app.

This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everybody and we thrive to have a very high success rate.

Bespoke Plan for Degeneration

Bespoke Plan for Degeneration

Surgery is the absolute last resort - for me it's an absolute no. I've been here there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there's always hope. Without hope there's nothing. We do 2 call outs per month based anywhere in Ireland, UK or Europe travel expenses apply. This is all about total ligament decompression using our patented decompression system. This will be posted within within 7 days from your start date. We use multiple ways to get your ligaments to start functioning together- pulling and pushing to create space in the joints. In the first 7 days you'll be given a 7 day plan from true core to ligament work to mobility. This has to be given first before we start the next deep stage of decompression - this is the way we get the best results that last. We can't help everybody and we thrive to have a very high success rate.

Our own patented system will be posted out to you within 7 days, the system is rented(included in price) and posted back when your plan finishes. In the meantime you'll be given a true core program to get you ready for deep decompression of your spine.

2 call outs per month based anywhere in Ireland, UK or Europe travel expenses apply.

Multiple weekly video calls to discuss progress and acupuncture points to use with our system.

Personalised decompression plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform.

Personalised meal plans & recipes to build more gut microbiome and stem cells in the body, start with 80% dark chocolate. The studies have shown this gives you twice as many stem cells in your body within 24 hours.

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.

Regular messages with us through the app.

Bespoke system developed just for you based of your body movements and questionnaire.

This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everybody and we thrive to have very high success results.

for 28 days
Body Unwinding

Body Unwinding

This was developed for people that no one knows what's wrong with them and diagnosed with everything going, sound familiar? The way we look at it is your full body, every system from your discs, nerves, ligaments, muscles, organs, ears, bones, fascia and everything in-between is twisted in compression. So everything has to be unwinded from head to toe. I've personally been here myself and I'm back playing football again 3 times a week after been up to 19 stone and feeling like sh^t. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what. We do 4 call outs per 4 weeks based anywhere in Ireland, if you're based in the UK or Europe travel costs will apply.

We do 4 call outs per 4 weeks based anywhere in Ireland, if you're based in the UK or Europe travel costs will apply.

Our own patented system which will be loaned and posted out to you within 7 days, in the meantime you'll be given a true core program to get you ready for the deep decompression of your spine.

Weekly video calls a week to discuss your progress and acupuncture points to use with our system.

Meal plans & recipes to build more stem cells in the body, start with 80% dark chocolate cocoa. The studies have shown these give you twice as many stem cells in your body within 24 hours.

Bespoke system developed just for you based of your body movement and questionnaire.

Regular progress check-ins and progress photo analysis.

Regular messages with me through the app, 24/7 chat support.

This system truly works, just bear with it, we can't help everybody and we thrive to have very high results.

for 4 weeks
AI Movement Tracking & Training Program

AI Movement Tracking & Training Program

Movement is in everything that you do - Sleeping, sitting, standing, breathing, eating, drinking same thing, our body is always moving. So listen to it - learn. Learn how to get your body to it's pinnacle. We'll give you 7 scans that covers all your movements from your jumping height to your sprinting speed flight time, acceleration time in a 10 meter sprint, to your turning speed & de acceleration time in 5 meter runs, turning speed left and right, single leg jump power on both sides to test your explosive single leg power, to landing angles of your hip, knee and ankle. There's way to many to name- in these 7 tests there's over a 1000 tests running in the background. Trust us when we say we try too cover all angles.

4: CMJ, tests push off of time, flight time, loading, landing angles and jump height.

ACMJ(L): The unilateral counter movement jump (UCMJ) is a vertical jump test primarily used to measure single leg explosive power of an athlete. This test is executed on the left leg.

ACMJ(R): Push off eccentric & concentric times, time to take off, flight time, push off times, knee & hip, landing ankles and jump height. The unilateral counter movement jump (UCMJ) is a vertical jump test primarily used to measure single leg explosive power of an athlete. This test is executed on the right leg.

2: 505 (L) 5 meter agility left turn, tests the athletes ability to 180 degree turn at speed, tests deceleration time, change of direction time and acceleration time

3: 505 (R) 5 metre agility right turn, same as above on right side. Most people favor a turning side - this way we'll show you and help you equal the difference.

1: The 10 meter sprint is used to test the athletes ability to accelerate, running speed 5 m, flying running time 5 m, running time 10 meters, average running speed 10 m.

Parameter test - left side for ankle dorsiflexion / plantar flexion.

Parameter test - right side for ankle dorsiflexion / plantar flexion

for 1 month
Find your limits

Find your limits

Find your limit and we'll work from there! let's push now - reset your ligamentmantenous system and now see how far you can go? If you want to get to your pinnacle this is where to start. Average improvement is at least 18% .

Find your limit? Lets see how you move when trying to get there - Imagine what you can do when you're ligaments are activated properly?

23 scans on your movement before and after so we can compare how you move and you can see yourself what we're doing.

for 4 weeks
Personal Ligament Training

Personal Ligament Training

This is our most comprehensive program available where we work together to help you reach your physique goals in the fastest possible time frame! This membership is exclusive to a limited number of clients where we create a fully personalised program to your lifestyle, resources and preferences.

One on one coaching

Weekly 1-1 video calls

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for first 3 days
21 Day Ligament Starter

21 Day Ligament Starter

This 21 days program is designed to kick start your athlete journey using our ligament starter program.

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Regular progress check-ins

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

24/7 chat support


Pain Remedial Clinic

Ligament Performance System

About Us: From Pain to Purpose: The clinic's origin began in 2012 stemmed from the founder's own experience and frustration with chronic pain. This personal journey fueled their desire to help others facing similar challenges. The Setback and the Breakthrough: Despite initial success, the founder's own serious back injury in 2018, which sidelined Cathal for over six months, which forced a revaluation of their approach. This ultimately led to the difficult decision to close the physical clinic in 2022. However, this setback proved to be a catalyst for growth and a deeper understanding of pain. The "Abyss" and Healing: The founder describes a period of intense struggle, a metaphorical "abyss," which ultimately led to personal healing and a refined understanding of their vocation. This period of reflection and self-discovery appears to have been crucial in the evolution of the Ligament Performance System. Ready to find the secrets?

Pain Remedial Clinic
Pain Remedial Clinic

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with us over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. We will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Life Changing Results

Cathal is fantastic and my go-to for anytime I have pain. I had bad migraines and got sessions with Cathal and I never had one since. I also saw him years ago for shoulder pain and never looked back. I refer him to anyone who is in pain. He is efficient and gets you feeling better straight away. Have recommended him to Family and Friends and he is so cost-effective. Pain is debilitating and affects every area of your life, so save yourself time and money by getting Cathal, he is truly gifted.

Linda Culleton

Very Zen

I would recommend Cathal 💯 I've been suffering with chronic pain in my neck and back for 3 years I've been to loads of different places and been on loads of different medication, I could barely walk at times it was a huge impact on my life because I was limited to what I could do but since I seen Cathal only four times I'm a brand new women 💪I really can't believe it I can stand straight again I can move more I am so happy with the results would highly recommend him thanks Cathal

Gems Skelly

Loves Life

I have told Cathal this many times and it is no word of a lie, he is a miracle worker. I suffer with Chronic pain and the only relief I truely get is when I visit Cathal. I can't thank you enough for the decent night sleep you give me!!

Sharon Craig


I can’t recommend Cathal enough. I had been suffering with back pain for a long time and the improvement I have experience’s after one session is remarkable. I am now 4 sessions in and my lower back pain is gone and I can move a lot easier than before.

Edel Martin

Loves Dogs

Frequently Asked Questions

A: This was unfortunately closed in 2022. Now we have systems that are even better and you can do at home or in a gym.

A: Yes, our experts provided customized nutritional plans focusing on anti-inflammatory foods, optimal recovery and rebuild stem cells.

A: Firstly analyze natural movements, these are the keys. We've been doing this a long time and the best way is to always think outside the box when treating.

Yes we do, some of the plans are already discounted.

What we go through in the plan, what we talk about and do are your's for the rest of your life. Implement this into everyday life.

Fall in love with Ligament Performance

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of you.